Karma Thief - Removed Take a Benny from a wild card** Tale Teller - Removed Tell a story of your deeds and make a Persuasion roll, if successful the listeners become friendly and helpful
Sudden Death - Changed to Shakin' in their boots and now makes all combatants, friend and foe Shaken Windfall - Removed Hero gets all of the treasure possible in an areaĮulogy - Removed After a hero dies, give a speech and all players gain an additional Adventure card next session Mysterious Treasure - Removed Gain treasure from a special table Relic - Removed After completing an important task an item gains magical powers. Peace - Instead of just making peace with an enemy Improves NPCs attitude once.Įnemy - Instead of gaining the Enemy hindrance and a new card every game Choose a Wild card in combat and you can no longer soak wounds from them, draw three new adventure cards and pick one new one to play.